Non-Exclusive Licensing-
Beats under this license are eligible to be used for demos, mixtapes, albums, website use, commercials, movies, and other promotional uses. Non Exclusive licenses are good for up to 1000 sales, and 200 performances. Multiple people may license the same beat under non-exclusive license. Non-exclusive licensing does NOT authorize any other agreement pertaining to Mechanical, Syncronization, Public performance, Digital performance, Print, Foreign or any other license of any finished work using the Free Will beat.
A Non exclusive license is not a binding contract in any aspect except for requiring that you use the beat however you want, and upon reaching it's limitation of 1000 sales and 200 performances, you email Free Will and work out another reasonable agreement. If you get famous you wont mind paying for the licenses anyway right?
All Free Will downloads are available for free, but include a payment option. If you're going to use a Free Will beat you should pay for the Non-exclusive license. Choosing to use the mp3 version and not the .wav files does not in any way change or supercede the license requirements. Contact Free Will for information on exclusive licensing, extended terms of use, and more.
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